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Friday, July 3, 2009

End of yet another week

I'm tired (what's new?) but thankfully this week has been rather kind to me, being at home on Wednesday AND Friday for dinner with family.

And so TGIF! While tomorrow is Saturday, the day after is Sunday, and then after that it's back to Monday.. Feeling pre Monday blues even before the weekend has ended -.- Burning myself out probably. Thanks to forcing and pushing myself to the limit -.- I need more gym to release those stress hormones!

Did not hit my savings target for the month due to the super high expense last weekend, something which my GST Credits cannot even offset :( I need to be more prudent in managing my finance for the upcoming horrible 800 a month and other stuff which I will in time start to contribute money to, like insurance and the likes.

Feel like just taking a day off and go to the beach for the sea breeze, probably with a book in hand or with a friend to chat, and a cup of nice cool lemonade. That'll be great for the stress hormones too =D

Have to stop nua-ing and find that sense which has been missing in life for quite some time. I think more than one thing is missing in my life right now, if I have the time to chase them back or acquire them, I will.

Will stop nua-ing.. With a couple more of Restaurant City, Typing Maniac, Bejeweled etc. Heh.

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