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Friday, October 16, 2009

SingTel Account No. 28641796 for Oct 2009, Bill ID 0051

Dear Lim Hui Pheng Joyce

You can now view your latest SingTel bill, dated 19 Oct 2009, at

The total charge for this bill is SGD 55.92 due on 02 Nov 2009.


OMG. 55 bucks! A good 20 bucks more than usual. An analysis led me to the 禍根, and I've removed it once and for all from THE phone. Tsktsk. I feel so dumb. Bleah. Good money to pay for a don't-really-need-it lesson. I will NOT anyhow download anything again! :(

Meanwhile, must sleep early, because I must wake up even earlier than usual tomorrow, even though there's no class.. Sigh. I want to sleep in!

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