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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Still awake!!

Thanks to the very powerful huge cup of dark mocha over lunch which lasted till 6pm. Well done, the cycle's gonna repeat itself again.. :\

Was chatting about my too-busy-schedule, and then I went back to last December's posts to find out if I was as busy. Sadly, yes, but that's not the point. My point is, I was browsing through, and I saw this particular post about end of 2008 and start of 2009 (god, that's one year ago!!)


Need to pick up my Jap again.
Will I have the chance to pick up French again?
I need a direction in life.
Need to shut my relatives' mouths -.-
Wishes for world peace and lesser disagreements.
JJ World Tour 2009!
Get that rectangular piece of card called "driving license".

Picked up Jap but sadly failed to maintain it. Gonna pick up French again. Hopefully it's less disastrous than Jap.. Found my direction, at least, a vague one but nonetheless one, lesser disagreements because I couldn't be bothered to argue more, confirmed got my driving license, but it's as good as a useless piece of paper LOL. Relatives' mouths are still not shut. Hahaha. JJ World Tour was good (:

In short, I just realized that I actually achieved most of the little "targets" that I've set for myself in 2009. Albeit, some took longer than usual, but at least I've satisfied most of them. (:


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