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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mega brain cells zzz

I always envy my colleagues for being able to pick up their area of expertise so fast, so easily. More than once I doubted whether it's because I am not as capable of doing so (slow brain, anyone?) but as always I have to remind myself that our work functions are different. Policy based vs process based. Thus, while they can be busy because of various processes, often we are not as busy (not my main JD anyway. Can't say for the other duties..........). 

However, when queries come in, it's time to suss out those cases by working the brain cells. More than once when I'm just too tired mentally to keep on killing the brain cells, I'll send the draft back to boss without a second thought. Needless to say, those drafts nearly always get slaughtered and butchered. 

And thus that will open up more questions of why I am not learning fast enough to end the slaughtering. Slowly, but surely, though, I am beginning to understand how to structure it from the end user PoV. My net is surely not as wide as 12 yrs worth of experience, but it's slowly expanding.. :) Albeit my net is the smallest of us three lah. :\

And that is the primary reason why I signed up for the talk on 12 Feb. Hmmm. Listening does no harm, I suppose.

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